How To Build & Increase Employee Productivity

Webinar Clockster summary: How To Build & Increase Employee Productivity, June 15th, 2022 with Eza Hazami.

Jun 20, 2022

On Wednesday (15/6/2022), Clockster held another webinar for business owners and Indonesian HR. The topic of this webinar was How to Build & Increase Employee Productivity. This time, Clockster invited HR & EB Specialist, Eza Hazami.

Factors and Obstacles of Employee Productivity

In this webinar, Eza discussed that employee productivity is influenced by several factors, such as the work environment, values built by the company, employee health, and the provided training.

According to Eza, there are several things that hinder employee productivity, which are:

  • Uncomfortable work environment
  • Complicated company bureaucracy
  • Lack of empathy
  • Using the ‘old way’ of managing employees
  • No support for innovation
  • No value built

How to Grow Productivity

Eza offers several solutions that can be done to start growing productivity, especially from an HR standpoint.

For example, by communicating clearly and in a structured manner, avoiding the micro-manage system, teaching company values, providing realistic deadlines, providing training and assessment, as well as fair promotion.

Clockster Helps You Increase Productivity

In this webinar, Eza recommends using a sophisticated employee management platform to facilitate employee management, for example using the Clockster platform.

How can Clockster help increase employee productivity?

  • Clockster simplifies company beauracracy which is inherently complicated
  • Internal company communication runs more smoothly, because the communication platform in Clockster is intended for employee management
  • Helps distributing, monitoring, and seeing the progress of the tasks assigned to each employee creating fair amount of transparency.

In addition, Clockster has an integrated or connected system, ranging from schedules, attendance, to payroll, making it easier to manage employees.

Let’s watch the rerun of this webinar to get more complete information about the above topic. You can click here to watch.

See you at the next webinar!




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