Synchronize Work Schedule, Attendance, & Payroll On Clockster

Work schedule, attendance, and payroll that are integrated with each other will facilitate the work of HRD staff. Check Clockster’s here!

Apr 7, 2022

How does your company make a work schedule? Are you still using the excel work schedule, or do you already have your own system?

This work schedule will be used as the basis for attendance. So, how is your attendance system? And how to match the employee’s schedule with absenteeism?

Then, how do you calculate employee salaries? Do you have a payroll system?

The connection between work schedule, absenteeism, and payroll

The work schedule will determine the employee’s working hours, which will be measured through attendance. Even though it has been determined in advance, there is a possibility of changes due to various reasons.

For some companies, the schedule for employees may tend to be fixed. However, for other businesses, such as retail, there will be shift changes. In fact, the schedule of each employee can be different every day,

Because of this, the attendance system must be flexible, following the employee’s schedule. If you don’t have an attendance system yet, HRD must manually match employee attendance with the schedule.

Before the pay date, HR must calculate the employee’s salary based on absenteeism and other salary components.

Clockster’s Solution

Clockster has a system that links work schedules, attendance, and payroll. So, HRD only needs to determine the employee schedule. Matching attendance and calculating salary is done automatically in the Clockster system.

In addition to simplifying HR work, this system will also minimize errors, both in recording absences and calculating salaries.

work schedule

In addition, all reports can be viewed real-time, either through the website or application. This will make it easier for HRD to supervise employees. Employee attendance can also be done through an application on each employee’s device, as well as integration with hardware for attendance.

More features of Clockster

Besides the three things above, Clockster still has other features that will make HRD work easier. For example, the Submissions feature. There are several types of submissions, namely applications for permits, leave, budgets, and reimbursements.

All of these submissions can also be made through the application of each employee. HRD only has to decide whether this application is accepted or not.

Another feature is the task manager. Managers or team leaders can use this feature to share tasks with their subordinates, as well as monitor the progress of the implementation of these tasks.




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